Introducing Integral Technology: FORTUNA Phoenix, FORTUNA Solid & LATONA

Free Webinar: September 18, 2024 | 10:00-11:00 AM EST

These products will be valuable to Altair customers thanks to their ability to automate the model creation, evaluation, and modification processes. In addition, the tools’ automation capabilities ensure consistent, robust results regardless of users’ individual skills.

FORTUNA_Phoenix, FORTUNA_Solid, and LATONA are primarily used in the automotive industry, where they can enable fully automated mesh modeling for automobile body-in-white (BIW) that can be done in 2-3 days; feature a new algorithm for mid-mesh generation that allows the mid-mesh result to best reflect the original 3D geometry without excessive simplification; and give users an easy way to repair improper mid-meshing, which can save a tremendous amount of modeling time.

FORTUNA Phoenix: Automation FEM mesh generation for sheet metal structures, this tool leverages the HyperMesh API to ensure precise mesh creation.

FORTUNA Solid: Leverage the HyperMesh API to automatically generate TETRA meshes on solid geometries according to meshing rules.

LATONA: Automatic mid-mesh generation tool that has shape recognition and mesh control functions

To learn more about Integral Technology and its trio of APA tools – FORTUNA_Phoenix, FORTUNA_Solid, and LATONA join now!