ATCx Discrete Element Method 2022
Digging Deeper into the World of Granular Material Simulation
First held in 2020, the ATCx DEM is a technology conference dedicated to the Discrete Element Method (DEM) for bulk and granular material simulation. Bringing together engineers, researchers and scientists, this event covers the various applications of DEM in all industries handling or processing granular materials including heavy equipment, mining and metals, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, and more.
Below is a collection of presentations from the ATCx DEM Virtual Event that took place in November 2022. Watch the recordings and discover how industry and academic leaders worldwide harness DEM simulation and Altair® EDEM™ software to optimize their equipment and processes.
ASTEC Enhances Industrial Equipment Design Workflows With NVIDIA RTX
Find out how ASTEC used Altair EDEM software with NVIDIA RTX GPUs
to optimize the design of their dryer to increase efficiency and how this solution provided ASTEC and their customers a competitive advantage with lower running costs and reduced emissions.