
ATCx Discrete Element Method 2022

Digging Deeper into the World of Granular Material Simulation

First held in 2020, the ATCx DEM is a technology conference dedicated to the Discrete Element Method (DEM) for bulk and granular material simulation. Bringing together engineers, researchers and scientists, this event covers the various applications of DEM in all industries handling or processing granular materials including heavy equipment, mining and metals, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, and more.

Below is a collection of presentations from the ATCx DEM Virtual Event that took place in November 2022.  Watch the recordings and discover how industry and academic leaders worldwide harness DEM simulation and Altair® EDEM™ software to optimize their equipment and processes. 




Keynote: Simulation from Rock to Road
Dr. Andrew Hobbs
Head of Simulation and Modeling
Astec Industries

Soil Modeling for Virtual Design and Performance Analysis of Mobility Systems for Off-Road Industry
Prof. Mehari Tekeste
Associate Professor, Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering
Iowa State University

Embedding Simulation in the Design Process: Validation & Verification Using Altair® EDEM™ & Altair® AcuSolve®
Dr. Jining Sun I CFD Engineer
Gareth Knopp I Innovation & Simulation Manager
Bucher Municipal

Development of Asphalt Mass Transfer Model and its Application in Asphalt Mixing Process
Lei Xinjun
Director of the Digital Twin Institute of the Test and Pumping Detection Center
Sany Group




Applications of EDEM Software for Steel Making at ArcelorMittal R&D
Dr. Edouard Izard
Research Engineer
ArcelorMittal R&D

Smarter Simulation Design and Modelling to Improve Bulk Material Handling Equipment Performance
Dr. Andrew Grima
Chief Operating Officer
Bulk Materials Engineering Australia (BMEA)

Approaches to Deploy Breakage in Conjunction to the Discrete Element Method
Dr. Luis Marcelo Marques Tavares
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ)

Right Approach for Chute Design-Handling Alternative Fuels in Cement Plants
Kapil Kukreja
Group Manager & Programme Leader - Project Engineering and System Design
National Council for Cement and Building Materials (NCCBM)




Multi-physics Modelling of Drug Product Manufacturing Processes
Dr. Ioannis Fragkopoulos
Senior Scientist
Novo Nordisk

DEM Simulation of Flow Characteristics of Digital Flavor Encapsulation Particles
Dr. Rutger M.T. van Sleeuwen
Principal Scientist, Materials Science R&D
Firmenich, Inc.

Troubleshooting During Drug Product Development – Utilizing DEM for Root Cause Analysis
Dr. Karsten Flügel
Principal Scientist
Merck Healthcare KGaA

A Generic Framework for Digital Model Development
Dr. John Morrissey
Research Fellow School of Engineering
University of Edinburgh




Soft-Soil Mobility Modeling w/ PM-FlexTire, Altair® EDEM™ & MotionSolve®
Doug Louth, Sr. Technology Fellow
Kumar Periannan I Technical Expert
Pratt & Miller Engineering & Fabrication, LLC

Numerical Design and Manufacturing of Lithium-ion Battery Electrodes using Discrete Element Method (DEM) Modelling
Dr. Ruihuan Ge
Faraday Institution Research Fellow
The University of Sheffield

Discrete-Element-Simulations in Lithium-Ion Battery Production
Johannes Lindenblatt
Research Associate
Technische Universität München

Push the limits of DEM – Practical Applications with Scientific Background
Knut Krenzer, Dr.-Ing.
Head of Simulation
IAB Weimar




What's New in Altair® EDEM™?
Dr. Carlos Labra, Director EDEM Product, Altair

Altair® EDEM™ Benchmarks
Sophie Cole, Associate Product Manager - EDEM, Altair

Combining EDEM™ and HyperStudy® to Optimize the Design and Operation of a SAG Mill
Bruno Mimouni, Engineering Intern, Altair

Simple and Efficient Modelling of Powders with the EDEM™ Powders Database
Stefan Pantaleev, Senior Application Engineer, Altair

Go With the Flow: When DEM Meets CFD
Jerrin Job Sibychan, Application Engineer, Altair

AI-powered Solution to Speed-up System Design and Optimization
Livio Mariano, Director Math & Systems, Altair

Model-Based Systems Integration: EDEM, MotionSolve, and Activate
Patrick  Goulding, Senior Product Engineer, Altair

Columbia Steel Cone Crusher - Modelling Breakage in EDEM
Ignacio Diez Alonso, EDEM Application Engineer, Altair

Introduction to Continuum Analysis in EDEM Analyst
Mark Cook, EDEM Product Manager, Altair



ASTEC Enhances Industrial Equipment Design Workflows With NVIDIA RTX

Find out how ASTEC used Altair EDEM software with NVIDIA RTX GPUs
to optimize the design of their dryer to increase efficiency and how this solution provided ASTEC and their customers a competitive advantage with lower running costs and reduced emissions.

Read Case Study

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