
Develop Electric Vehicles Smarter and Faster

3-Day Workshop | 29 Nov - 1 Dec, 2022 | Leamington Spa, UK

Introducing Altair Concept C123 - How Simulation Driven-Design is Complementing the Vehicle Concept Development Process

The Challenge:
The arrival of the electric vehicle (EV) has disrupted the global automotive industry. The drive to develop EV’s in ’24 Months’ is an industry mantra and all OEM’s, both new players and heritage brands, need to launch product into the market quicker or lose market share. In addition, in an increasingly competitive market where the consumer is becoming more brand agnostic; products need to differentiate (e.g. increasing EV range without compromising key performance attributes).

The Solution:
Simulation is the key technology to achieve the rapid development of ‘Body-in-White’ structures. For over a decade, Altair has been developing an advanced simulation driven process which allows OEM’s to re-imagine the concept phase. Small agile teams work in close collaboration with designers to ensure engineering input is delivered in a timely manner, avoiding the trap of ‘too detailed, too early’. Altair’s consultancy team has supported many OEM’s, both new and heritage brands, applying Altair Concept C123 process to rapidly develop BIW structures with leading performance attributes. With the maturing of the process, Altair is now assisting clients to integrate the highly automated workflows and software technologies (e.g. optimization, AI etc.) complementing their existing concept process.

Why Should Your Company Attend?
Altair’s exclusive cutting-edge technology (C123) allows organizations across the globe the opportunity to innovate at an accelerated rate, while considering all vehicle attributes. This workshop provides an opportunity for OEM’s to assess the comprehensive nature of the C123 process and associated software and learn how it could compliment their existing ‘in-house’ concept development process.

Who Should Attend?
The workshop has been developed to teach the process to simulation engineers engaged in attribute evaluation of BIW structures (e.g. NVH, crash etc). A familiarization of Altair’s HyperWorks toolset is not a prerequisite.

Every Global OEM, New or Heritage Brands, Should be Open to Exploring the Potential of the Altair Concept C123 Process


This is a free 3-day hands-on workshop that will be delivered by Altair's leading practitioners. The training sessions will be held in-person in Leamington Spa. See Venue Information

MORNING SESSION | 08:45 - 12:00

Day 1 Overview: Overview including workflows and C1

C123 Overview

  • Introduction to C123 Philosophy
  • Typical project structures
  • Overview of toolset

C0 Phase

  • NVH & Crash Characterisation
  • Linear Loadcase generation
  • Post-processing

LUNCH | 12:00 -13:00

AFTERNOON SESSION: 13:00 - 16:45 

C1 Model Build & Run

  • Package Management
  • Design Space Creation
  • Design Space interactive editing
  • Connect
  • Load Case & Optimisation setup

C1 Interpretation

  • Shrinkwrap
  • Inspire PolyNurbs

Day 1 Overview & Summary

DINNER | 18:30 - 21:00 

MORNING SESSION | 08:45 - 12:00

Day 2 Overview:  Key Tools/Topics

C2: Model Build Part 1

  • How to build a C2 model
  • Organizing the model
  • Skeleton Creation
  • Real Section

C2: Model Build Part 2

  • C1/C2 Complex/Joint region
  • Joint Creation, types
  • Connections

LUNCH | 12:00 - 13:00 

AFTERNOON SESSION | 13:00 - 16:45

C2: Optimization Setup

  • Optimization setup
  • Parameterization: Joints, Box, Real


  • Target Setting
  • Joint Stiffness targets

C3 Phase

  • Typical workflow
  • Migration from C2 to C3
  • Designer Handshake

Day 2 Overview & Summary

DINNER | 18:30 - 21:00

MORNING SESSION | 08:45 - 12:00

Day 3 Overview: MDO & Diagnostics

C2/C3: Crash

  • Crash overview
  • C2/C3 hybrid models
  • ancillaries simplification

MDO: Part 1

  • iMDO / aMDO overview
  • Model Linking
  • Mapping from Shell to Beam


LUNCH 12:00 - 13:00

AFTERNOON SESSION | 13:00 - 16:45

MDO: Part 2

  • Development work - DoE

Diagnostics & post-processing

  • Mass walk - Mass Cubes
  • Dynamic Map tool
  • Mass Drivers
  • FEM to BOM
  • ExoSkeleton
  • Redundancy Tool


Day 3 Overview & Summary


Meet Your Workshop Leaders

Stuart Bates

Dr. Stuart Bates

Team Manager - Product Design and Development


Lead Practitioner & Capability Architect, Over 13 Years Expertise of C123 Application Delivering BIW Designs.

Pierre Edouard Rousseau

Pierre Edouard Rousseau

Team Manager - Product Design and Development


Lead Practitioner, Crash Attribute Specialist, Over 8 Years Expertise of C123 Application Delivering BIW Designs.

Tom Goodwin

Tom Goodwin

Team Manager - Product Design and Development


Deep Experience in Developing and Applying Multi-Disciplinary Optimization Techniques to Automotive Structures.

Benjamin Beuron

Benjamin Beuron

Project Engineer

Experienced C123 Practitioner Having Worked on Multiple Implementation Projects for Automotive OEMs.


The workshop will take place at:

Ashorne Hill
Leamington Spa
CV33 9QW
United Kingdom

Map and Directions