
Design Perfection from the Start

DAC24 | Booth #1321 | June 24 – 26, 2024


Join us to learn how Altair’s world-class solutions are powering perfect semiconductor design.
The semiconductor industry operates at an accelerated pace, in which every second saved is a competitive advantage. You must rely on solutions that complement each other at every step of the semiconductor design process to beat others to market.

Altair’s solutions empower chip designers to design perfection from the start.  From silicon debugging tools for integrated circuit (IC) designs to multiphysics analysis of 3D IC and chiplet design simulation and analysis, Altair delivers a complete solutions set. With the fastest high-throughput workload manager available and an advanced workflow analysis tool, designers can trust Altair with every challenge.

Be sure to visit booth #1321 to meet with tech experts, attend presentations, collect swag, and more!

Wednesday, June 26, 2024 @ 10:30 PT | 3014, 3rd floor

Why Is EDA Playing Catchup to Disruptive Technologies Like AI? What Can We Do to Change This?

Jim Scapa, Altair founder and CEO, joins semiconductor leaders to discuss the industry's historic slow adoption of disruptive technologies and how we can reshape the future.

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Live Presentations


11:00 am - 11:30 am | Orchestrate an AI LLM Workflow with Altair® FlowTracer™

Dee Lin, Lead Principal Solution Architect, Altair

Since chatGPT met the world, generative AI large language model has gotten on the center stage of technology world. In this short presentation, we are going to showcase how Altair FlowTracer can help orchestrate LLM training workflow to help AI training staff get to desired results.

11:30 am - 12:00 pm | Optimized Scheduling for Hardware Emulation with Altair® Hero™

Prasanna Chalgeri, Solutions Architect, Altair

Hardware emulators represent a significant investment for chip design houses, often being the most expensive assets they possess. With the increasing complexity and scale of emulators, utilizing basic or standard schedulers to manage jobs is no longer viable for achieving optimal ROI. Hero 2.0 stands out by offering best-in-class, emulator-agnostic scheduling. It addresses critical challenges such as sharing emulators efficiently, solving the Tetris packaging and placement problem and managing constraints effectively, ensuring that organizations maximize their emulator usage and investment.

2:00 pm - 2:30 pm | Altair® SimLab® for Electronics: Unleashing the Power of 3D IC Optimization with Altair's Cutting-Edge Multiphysics Suite

Iyad Rayane, Senior Product Specialist, Altair

Stacking multiple dies, 3D ICs offer enhanced functionality, reduced form factor, and improved interconnect density. However, these advancements come with several challenges, including thermal management issues.

Vertical stacking of dies in 3D ICs introduces thermal stress causing mechanical failures, including delamination, warpage, and cracking, impairing the reliability of the system which represent new challenges to EDA tools and design flow in general.

Altair SimLab for Electronics assists designers to simulate and optimize thermal management strategies, minimize thermal stress-induced failures, and ultimately facilitating the successful implementation of 3D IC technologies in advanced electronic systems.

2:30 pm - 3:00 pm | Predict Simulation Results from Past Designs with Altair® physicsAI™

Evan Christensen, Senior Technical Account Manager, Altair

PhysicsAI accelerates design quality by enabling rapid design screening. Leveraging past simulation data, PhysicsAI empowers all engineers to identify potential issues early, reducing reliance on traditional back-and-forth and increasing iterations within a design cycle.

11:00 am - 11:30 am | Meteor Crashes into the EDA Market - Sorry Dinosaurs!

Joe Costello, Metrics, Kwikbit, Arrikto, Acromove

Almost nothing has changed about the digital simulation model for the last 35 years.   Designers and design teams have been frustrated by the same problems for an entire generation.   Single licenses of state of the art HDL simulators are very expensive.   When it comes time to tape out a design, the design schedule is limited by the number of available software licenses or compute servers, or both.   In other markets these problems have been solved by cloud computing coupled with SaaS business models but EDA has barely budged in that direction.   Come hear how Metrics is turning this world upside down.  And these aren't empty words and promises. You will walk away more productive than from any other session at DAC this year or in the past.   Come join the revolution.  DSim For All.

11:30 am - 12:00 pm | Altair® SimLab® for Electronics: Conquer the 3D IC Package Parasitic Extraction challenge with Flux PE and Unleash Precision with HyperSpice Simulation

Iyad Rayane, Senior Product Specialist, Altair

Interconnect parasitic extraction is a crucial step in the design and analysis of IC Packaging and power devices. In IC packages and power devices, parasitic elements can introduce undesired effects such as resistance, capacitance, and inductance. These parasitic elements can increase power consumption, cause delays, and lead to electromagnetic interference (EMI) issues. Therefore, accurately modeling and accounting for these parasitic are essential for ensuring the proper functionality and performance of the device.

In this presentation, we will show how Altair can help in accurately modeling and simulating the parasitic in the interconnect of IC package and power modules.

2:00 pm - 2:30 pm | ECAD to 3D PCB results in a Day with Altair® SimLab®

Evan Christensen, Senior Technical Account Manager, Altair

Traditional 3D PCB simulations require meshing, a time-consuming step for accurate results. SimLab eliminates meshing entirely, significantly reducing pre-processing time. Its efficient iterative solving technique tackles large models, empowering engineers to evaluate iterations faster in design cycles.

2:30 pm - 3:00 pm | Solutions for Digital, Analog and Mixed-Signal SoC Debug

Gerhard Angst, Vice President, EDA and Industrial Solutions, Altair

Electronic design is a very complex, time-consuming activity, which is exacerbated by the increasing complexity of modern semiconductor designs. Altair's Silicon Debug Tools uniquely handle an exceptional range of design abstractions from RTL via gate level to transistor level, for both analog and digital disciplines. See how Altair's latest debug and simulation tools accelerate semiconductor development and help companies move silicon devices into production earlier and with a higher degree of confidence.

Additional Resources

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Guide to Electronic System Development

As performance demands continually increase, packaging sizes become smaller, and device connectivity becomes more critical, schematic engineers and product designers need ways to make efficient design decisions and collaborate with one another to optimize complex interconnected mechanical and electromagnetic systems.

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Trends in the Semiconductor Market

Simon Segars, a renowned figure in the tech industry with experience as the former CEO of ARM, a board director and technology executive, shares his insights on the trends shaping the future of semiconductors.

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Six Smarter Scheduling Techniques for Optimizing EDA Productivity

Verification engineers and IT managers are constantly looking for new sources of competitive advantage. In this paper, we discuss six valuable techniques to help improve design center productivity.

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Meet Altair® HPCWorks®: Optimized EDA Job Scheduling for Semiconductor Design

Accelerate the design exploration and verification process with Altair enterprise computing solutions for semiconductor design. Engineering teams rely on Altair to beat competitors to market with the most comprehensive and performant solution set on the market.

You need your environment to maximize resources and run faster than the competition. Trust the industry’s leading job scheduler to meet the complex demands of semiconductor design with scalability, adaptability, and efficiency.

Chip design is increasing in complexity every day and requires visualization tools to match. Flow visualization tools that provide analysis and troubleshooting capabilities will optimize compute resources for a faster, more effective design process at every step.

Licenses are a costly investment and often in high demand among chip designers on any given team. Managing these tools effectively can speed up time-to-market while achieving a better ROI. Monitor their usage and maximize license allocation through sharing for increased efficiency and real-time insight.

I/O profiling helps organizations determine the optimal compute environment for different types of ESD applications and resources. Monitoring applications increases visibility and enables informed planning, and application profiling can help solve deployment issues quickly.

Hardware emulators are an expensive component of the chip design process. Address all aspects of emulation flow including design compilation, emulator selection, and software and regression tests with a job scheduler designed for hardware emulators.

Book a meeting with our technical experts.

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Project Vindaloo

Is it a spicy curry dish from Goa, or is it an exciting demo that combines the high-throughput computing power of Altair® Accelerator™ with the dependency management of Altair® FlowTracer™ running a high number of Altair HyperSpice licences?

It's both! Project Vindaloo walks users through a highly parallel demo situation. Check it out.


Altair Accelerator and Altair Panopticon Data Integration

In the semiconductor industry, every second counts. Critical decisions about budgeting, timelines, resources, and more must be made with the most up-to-date data possible to account for tomorrow's achievements. This demo showcases a live demo of Altair Accelerator integration with Altair Panopticon, a data visualization and dashboarding tool.

A New Era for Electronic Simulation

COMING SOON: Extending our revolutionary multidisciplinary, meshless solver to PCBs and ICs — no simplifications, just absolute resolution.

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Electronic System Design from Chip to Board to System

Altair offers best-in-class multi-disciplinary simulation, AI, HPC scheduling and workflow dependency management. Streamline the semiconductor design process with silicon debugging tools and cutting-edge 3-D IC multiphysics solutions. In addition, chip to board to system ESD solutions streamline your processes to eliminate design iterations, ensure reliability, and reduce time-to-market. 

Offsetting the higher design and manufacturing costs associated with increasing chip complexity and 3D IC chip design is possible with efficient design and debugging tools that can streamline and minimize design repetitions.  
Dependable, tested solutions should offer quick visualization capabilities for spotting cause-and-effect patterns and provide rapid debugging solutions for varied system-on-chip designs. 
These diverse designs can include analog components, third-party Intellectual Property (IP), multi-core processors, and chiplet-based designs that all require a versatile analysis and debugging solution for rapid design evaluation. 
Debug tools support engineers and optimize designs, moving devices into production earlier and with a higher degree of confidence. 

Developing electronic products that withstand the structural, operational, and environmental requirements of everyday use or misuse requires a team effort. Altair's cutting-edge 3-D IC multiphysics solutions and intuitive ESD multiphysics workflows that consider electrothermal, cooling, vibration, noise, solder fatigue, and structural effects ensure chip, PCB, and system-level reliability. With process-oriented ESD simulation workflows in a collaborative development environment, designers and engineers can shorten development cycles and costs to deliver innovative and reliable products faster. 

Some form of power converter is present in nearly all modern electronics, from small cell phone chargers to multi-megawatt propulsion systems. As performance requirements become more demanding, circuit simulation plays a strategic role in the schematic capture phase of EDA workflows for competitive designs. Companies that an adopt industry-proven solution like PSIM to simulate power electronic systems can readily optimize energy efficiency and thermal management performance while evaluating component interaction and overall system responses based on operating conditions and environmental factors. And with efficient power electronic simulation workflows, companies can explore new architecture, materials, and control strategies for complex systems faster, helping to drive their next innovations.

Rapid modeling and visualization for electrical circuit systems is essential to gain rapid insights into circuit design and avoid costly design errors. Altair HyperSpice, with access to Spice libraries for fast AC, DC, and Transient simulations, is fully integrated into a flexible system-wide simulation solution, helping companies innovate faster.

Explore Further


End-to-end Electronic System Design Toolset

From concept to manufacturing, our products streamline your process, eliminate design iterations, and reduce time-to-market.

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Enterprise Software License Management Guide

This guide explains some of the challenges of enterprise software asset management and optimization, focusing on issues unique to engineering environments.

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The 7 Pillars of Electronic System Design

Discover the are seven key building blocks that make up the electronic system design process.

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