
Deep Foundation Design for Structural Stability and Efficiency

August 11, 2022 | 11:00 am Eastern Time

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Poor soil conditions, large horizontal forces, expansive soil, and potential uplifting forces are all design scenarios that may require deep foundation analysis and design.

Join us for an AEC structural design webinar to see how to accurately model, analyze, and design pile foundations while considering individual pile geotechnical data to achieve reliable design results.

Our example uses a pile foundation subject to compression loads, shear forces and bending moments due to the eccentricity of the applied loading at the top of the pile. We demonstrate how to

  • Defining pile geometry
  • Create ground springs – both linear springs or automatically generated non-linear springs using P-Y, Q-Z and T-Z curves
  • Apply loads
  • Perform an analysis and design code assessment in S-FOUNDATION
  • Show the equivalent manual calculations
  • Review and compare results

This webinar is ideal for:

  • Organizations that need to analyze and design piles and pile caps for deep foundations
  • Structural Engineers, Engineering Managers, or EIT’s
  • Engineers who need to design deep foundations for their projects
  • Engineers using S-FRAME or S-TIMBER with Altair Units Licensing
foundation design integration with S-FRAME


Matthew Sauer
Manager GTT