Accelerate Pre-processing Time so your Team can do More CFD!

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If you or your team perform CFD analysis daily, you know that model preparation is a hugely time consuming activity but necessary to achieve good quality results. For an efficient CFD analysis process, having the latest pre-processing tools is a must.

This webinar, presented jointly between Altair and the UK's leading CFD consultancy, TotalSim, demonstrated how the latest model build technologies can drastically accelerate your external aerodynamics programmes, freeing up Engineers' time to provide design insight and enhance performance, not stuck endlessly refining meshes.

Accelerate your CFD Model Build Process - Watch On Demand Now

The webinar focused on TotalSim's deployment of the industry standard pre-processor, Altair HyperMesh, which now comes equipped with a full suite of tools for CFD meshing and model set-up. Watch now and see how automated tools can fill holes and gaps between parts and wrapping techniques can create exterior watertight meshes or cavity meshes for the interior. See the mesh controls for the entire model, where individual features can be defined and saved for use in subsequent models, guaranteeing repeatability of results and much more. 

Watch On-Demand & Learn:

  • How Altair HyperMesh can drastically accelerate your external aerodynamics model build processes through automation.
  • How the latest simulation technologies have been deployed at TotalSim to enhance aerodynamic programme performance.
  • How these technologies and processes can improve the efficiency of your CFD modeling activities, freeing up your CFD team's time for more valuable activities.


Your Presenters:






Matt Bone
CFD Engineer

Paul Kirkham
Account Manager


Watch this Webinar on Demand Now!