
Join Altair at APEMC - INCEMIC 2023

Leverage The Power of Electromagnetic Simulations.

fontawesome-5.14.0--Calendar May 22 - May 25, 2023 

Booth 21 | Sheraton Grand, Bangalor


1. Meet Us at the Booth:

"Connect with our team and learn more about our innovative products and services at our interactive booth. Engage in meaningful conversations, explore cutting-edge solutions, and discover how we can help you achieve your goals. We look forward to meeting you!"

2. Featured Presentation

"Discover our captivating featured presentation! Join us to explore exciting insights, groundbreaking ideas, and thought-provoking discussions that will inspire and engage. Don't miss out on this exceptional opportunity!"

3. Join us for Workshops

"Enhance your skills and broaden your knowledge by participating in our informative workshops!"

Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) and electromagnetic interference (EMI) have become key topics with the proliferation of connected devices, both for component integration and satisfying EMC regulatory requirements.

To address such EMI/EMC issues, Altair offers a portfolio of simulating the radiation and irradiation of cables, antennas, and devices to inform the design of effective shielding. And to address interferences between multiple transmitters and receivers in a site, broadcasting stations and aeronautical equipment, or wireless networks Feko enables customers to anticipate, analyze and mitigate RF interference effects including intermodulation, harmonics, antenna coupling, transmitter spectrum, receiver selectivity, and blocking.

During this event, Altair will showcase its comprehensive simulation solution Feko for EMC/EMI applications, such as immunity and emissions analysis involving cables, antennas, and other devices, shielding effectiveness, electromagnetic pulses, lightning effects, HIRF, in addition to reverberation and anechoic chambers.

Invited Talk by Altair for INCEMIC By Brain Woods, Vice President, EM Solutions, Altair

“Application Of Simulation in EMC And EMI – Maximizing Value Using Machine Learning And Digital Twin Techniques”.


Modern mega trends - from eMobility to decarbonization – demand that engineers deal with fast-changing, multi-disciplinary requirements within extremely complex systems. Over the last decade, there has been a significant increase in the number of electronic, electrical and communication systems and components across many industries - including aerospace, defense, automotive, communications, railway, consumer electronics and others. As a consequence, Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) and Electromagnetic interference (EMI) are more than ever central considerations for system and equipment manufacturers and their suppliers. In this presentation, we will consider the capabilities of computer simulation in providing insight to address key challenges within EMC and EMI. We will also consider how coupling simulation results with measurement data within multi-disciplinary physics-driven and data-driven digital twin environments will enable engineers to deal with complexity and drive decision-making and design in future.

Altair will be leading a workshop on "Managing Spectrum with Electromagnetics" during the event.

Introduction to Spectrum Management and Planning

Introduction to the management, planning, and distribution of valuable radio spectrum assets to allow maximum utilization. This will cover an overview of Altair WRAP tools for technical analysis of coverage, interference, and optimization of the spectrum utilization ensuring spectrum regulators can efficiently manage the wide variety and ever-increasing demands of wireless systems.

Section 1: Spectrum Management – challenges and Solutions for radio coverage analysis, network planning, and Regulatory

Brain Woods, Altair

  • Monitoring
  • Network management and spectrum allocation management
  • Spectrum Licensing and Coordination
  • Data management and reporting
  • Broadcast
  • Broadcasting and Virtual flight applications

Section2: Communication networks, radar, and propagation modeling with use cases

Soundarya Venkatesan, Altair

Anudeep Bellary, Altair

  •  Radio and Radar coverage – analysis and optimization
  • Terrestrial propagation and modeling scenarios
  • Interference and colocation analysis
  • Point-to-point/fixed communication networks - from HF networks to 5G
  • Satellite communication networks – coverage, dynamics, and interference considerations


Brain Woods

Brain Woods

Vice President - EM Solutions

Soundarya Venkatesan

Soundarya Venkatesan

Sr. Application Engineer

Anudeep Bellary

Anudeep Bellary

Application Engineer

Manoj Square

Manoj Menghrajani

Director- Business Development, Electromagnetics

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