
Don’t Bust Your IT Budget

Make the Most of Software License Spending

The software licenses engineers and developers use every day come with a high cost. It’s easy to either overspend (wasting money) or underspend (hampering productivity) without being able to correlate license spending with actual usage. Software expenditures represent the fastest-growing segment within IT budgets, surpassing other categories such as data center systems and services — and because software is core to competitiveness and productivity, it’s a risky area to try and economize.

Organizations encounter numerous challenges, such as managing vendors, tracking license expiration, managing costs, and ensuring compliance. According to Gartner Research, organizations can slash software expenses up to 30% by implementing software asset management (SAM) tools and adopting best practices.

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Software licenses are expensive tools that empower your breakthrough successes. You might be leaving money behind or allocating too much budget for software when your licenses could be utilized more efficiently — benefitting both your users and your bottom line.

Altair empowers you to find these unrealized costs and savings opportunities with software asset management, which is a critical component in the Altair® HPCWorks™ high-performance computing and cloud platform. Our solutions are designed to measure usage patterns and denials, identify waste, and enable you to establish policies to optimize specialty software spend.

Smart software spending is on the rise

According to Gartner® Research, enterprise spending on software is forecast to reach $1 trillion by 2024.¹

"Organizations are shifting the emphasis of IT projects towards cost control, efficiencies and automation, while curtailing IT initiatives that will take longer to deliver returns."
- John-David Lovelock, Distinguished VP Analyst at Gartner

In electronic design automation, software is not only expensive, it’s critical to chip designers’ productivity. In manufacturing, engineers must shift quickly from multiple tools to design, simulate, test, and measure for product optimization. In each case, and in a broad range of businesses, industries, and sciences, informed software license management can make a significant difference in productivity and budget control.

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