

Learn how an integrated simulation environment can unlock true full-vehicle NVH analysis


Join Altair at the SAE 2019 Noise and Vibration Conference & Exhibition on June 10-13 in Grand Rapids, MI. NVH experts from Altair will be on hand to answer your most challenging noise and vibration questions. Learn how Altair's integrated, customizable approach facilitates efficient execution of all aspects of the full-vehicle NVH process, including subsystem meshing and assembly, NVH event simulation loadcases and solutions, and problem diagnostics and optimization

Meet us at Altair booth #233 or schedule a meeting using the form on this page.


Technical Session: Fundamentals of Structure Borne NVH Workshop 

(Session Code: NVCWK1)

Wednesday, June 12

Room Ballroom C  6:00 p.m.

Join in Wednesday evening for fundamental NVH Source-Path-Receiver concepts at the 2019 Structure Borne NVH Workshop. Since its inception in 2003, the SB NVH workshop has been a primer for the newly initiated NVH Engineer covering isolation and attenuation principles along with practical methods for reducing noise and vibration. A theoretical foundation will explain low-frequency NVH, below 100 Hz, and mid-frequency, up to 500 Hz, with guidelines for performance achievement. Experience the acclaimed "NVH Toolbox" with a "hear it live" demo. The seasoned Engineer will benefit from a comprehensive review of NVH principles. Recent advances in NVH technology will be discussed to guide emerging Electric Car propulsion issues. 

Presenters- Alan E. Duncan, Automotive Analytics LLC; Gregory Goetchius; Jianmin Guan, Altair Engineering

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