
Thanks for joining us in Dallas for Supercomputing 2022 (SC22), HPC's biggest event of the year.
Today’s HPC landscape demands innovation and optimization at every level. At SC22 this year, we discussed how you could drive breakthrough results with unparalleled access to the cloud with Altair One™, enhanced workload management solutions, accelerated GPUs, and efficient storage requirements. Our customers know that compute intelligence starts with Altair. We featured organizations like Singapore’s National Supercomputing Centre (NSCC) at our booth, and their use of HPC to support science and innovation.
Lockheed Martin critical use of HPC
Lockheed Martin joined us the first day to share how they use HPC to power critical aerospace and defense development, with security always top-of-mind. The Lockheed Martin team uses Red Hat Enterprise Linux cross-domain system configurations for multi-level security, with industry-leading workload management by Altair® PBS Professional®.
Altair tools make it easy to use HPC in the cloud with multiple platforms for the most efficient, cost-effective results. When the team at Italian vehicle propulsion-systems designer PUNCH Torino needed to build a new HPC infrastructure from scratch, they partnered with Altair’s technology experts to plan, implement, and configure a complex, multi-vendor cloud architecture that was designed to take advantage of several different cloud providers.
In semiconductor design, the right EDA tools are critical — and expensive. To make the most of your EDA licenses you need purpose-built scheduling, management, and monitoring solutions. When CEA Tech, the Grenoble-based technology research unit for the French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission, was tasked with speeding up R&D, they worked with Altair to deploy Altair® Accelerator™ for EDA job scheduling and Altair® Monitor™ for real-time license monitoring.
Our Altair® Unlimited™ appliance delivers turnkey computing by boxing up software, system administration, and infrastructure-as-a-service into a single, intuitive platform. The team at Litens Automotive Group increased their parallel computing power for CAE with Altair Unlimited, and in this video they discuss its impact on their design and development process, simulation throughput, and overall competitiveness.
It's Your Choice: Open Source or Commercial HPC Software
Open-source software celebrates principles such as open exchange, collaborative participation, transparency, and meritocracy. Altair is a major supporter of open-source software and collaboration with efforts that include Altair Exchange, OpenPBS, and OpenRadioss. But open source also carries risks. The trick is to balance the risks and rewards and make an informed decision about where best to deploy open-source software.
Altair continually looks to the future, creating high-performance computing and cloud solutions that are ahead of their time — enabling clients to deliver breakthrough results.
Learn more at altair.com/careers or contact Ani Lputian, Talent Acquisition Lead, at alputian@altair.com.