The Engineering World is Buzzing About Altair SimSolidTM


 “Ironically, I spent more time improving my CAD skills than learning the straightforward SimSolid interface for this overview! This highlights the linkage between design and analysis that SimSolid brings. I was able to explore design configurations very rapidly—and this prompted further exploration into alternative configurations such as an integral fitting.


- Tony Abbey, Director, FETraining

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SimSolid in the News

SimSolid Accuracy Independently Verified by NAFEMS

-Ian Symington, NAFEMS

NAFEMS investigated the accuracy of simulation tools like SimSolid and ANSYS Discovery Live through a series of independent benchmark tests against industry standard FEA. The SimSolid convergence results are striking, proving you can have speed and accuracy in one package!

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DE Learns SimSolid and Starts Exploring Design Alternatives from Day-One

-Tony Abbey, Digital Engineering247

For this overview, Tony Abbey was able to explore design configurations very rapidly-and this prompted further exploration into alternative configurations such as an integral fitting. Abbey is the director of FETraining and a consulting analyst for Digital Engineering.

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Solving Huge Assemblies Accurately in a Designer-Oriented Tool


When it comes to simulation, large assemblies cause some serious headaches for those looking to perform efficient analyses. Al Dean explores SimSolid, which offers a unique solution to an age-old problem. Dean is the co-founder and editor-in-chief of DEVELOP3D.

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Faster Than FEA, Just as Accurate

-Roopinder Tara, explores what sets SimSolid apart from other "mesh-free" software - it's accuracy in comparison to traditional FEA tools. They also cover SimSolid features like modeling of welds, complex assemblies, and thin-walled structures.

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Industry Expert Takes SimSolid Through the Paces 

-Dr. Richard King

The "SimSolid Real-World Validation Manual for Stress Analysis" takes a series of simple and complex SolidWorks models through static simulation studies in SimSolid. In all cases, stress results between the two analysis tools was within 10%.

Download the validation guide

Customer Testimonials
CNH Industrial | Multimatic | Plastic Omnium
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