On-Demand Webinar
Thea Render v2.1 has just been released and comes with a variety of new features for all our integrated plugins and a significant speed boost for Presto engine. The new version introduces:
Performance boost for Thea Render Presto engine showing accumulated performance improvement up to 2x faster
Beveled Edges can be used to smooth out the edges of an object, allowing you to create more photorealistic renderings, without the need to model detailed curved edges
Triplanar Mapping, the texture is mapped three times along each of the three axes with smooth blending between the sides. This creates seamless results for non-UV mapped meshes
Worley Noise used to easily create cell-like structures that simulate textures of water and stone among others
Edge Ramp procedural makes it possible to apply color to the edges of a surface based on the minimum angle of adjacent faces and the radius of the edges
During this webinar we will show Thea Render new powerful capabilities, and more, in action!
Fill-out the form on the right to watch the webinar!