Solving Electromagnetics and Connectivity Vehicle Challenges

Webinar series for the Volkswagen Group

Altair has developed this webinar series exclusively for the Volkswagen Group on the topic of electromagnetic simulation and optimisation for vehicle development process. 

To view the webinars on-demand you will require a password. If you are an employee of the VW Group and would like to request access please contact us.

On-demand Webinars


Webinar 1: Vehicle Antenna Simulation and Optimization

Part 1 covers simulation driven design of vehicle antennas. By means of several simulation examples - considering 4G/5G, V2X, BT, FM/DAB, Keyless-Entry applications - antenna and connectivity performance evaluation will be demonstrated. Special focus is on optimization methods to improve antenna design and antenna positions in the vehicle.  

Click on the Video on the right to watch the recording


Webinar 2: Automotive Antenna Integration and Virtual Test Drive

In part 2, antenna integration analysis with numerical simulation is discussed. Typical integration scenarios and challenges such as optimal placement of antennas behind plastic parts are treated. In particular, the evaluation of antenna vehicle positions in virtual test drives using propagation models in urban, sub-urban and rural scenarios is explained. 

Click on the Video on the left to watch the recording.


Webinar 3: Automotive EMC Simulation

Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) is the focus of part 3.  Numerical simulation for typical EMC problems such as radiation or crosstalk at cable harnesses or emissions from the electrical power trains - helps to identify and analyze potential EMC issues problems at an early stage and find corrective actions. A Digital Twin for vehicle immunity tests is presented to better understand the different exposure situation of EMC test on component and vehicle level. Furthermore, methods for shielding effectiveness analysis are described. 

Click on the Video on the right to watch the recording


Webinar 4: Advanced Automotive EM Simulation: Radar, Composites Materials and Machine Learning

In the fourth part different advanced topics will be presented. After an overview on radar simulation on different integration levels, the numerical treatment of modern anisotropic composite materials will be explained. We then discuss the use of machine learning in CEMTypical antenna and EMC examples are used to illustrate the use of regression, classification, clustering, dimension reduction and evolutionary learning in Electromagnetics. 

Click on the Video on the left to watch the recording

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