Webinar: Designing agricultural machinery using EDEM granular material simulation
Free live webinar - 5 languages
Learn how you can accelerate your design process and improve machine performance
Agricultural machinery such as tractors, combines and forage harvesters are all designed to work with a range of granular materials such as crops, seeds and soils. These materials can impact the performance of the machine and its durability. Typical issues might include blockage of fibres in harvesting equipment, wear of tools, uneven distribution of seeds and inefficient processes.
EDEM software accurately simulates the behavior of grains, seeds, crops and soils and provides engineers with crucial insight into how materials will interact with a piece of equipment during a range of operation and process conditions.
This webinar will introduce EDEM and explain how it can be used for the design, performance testing, and optimization of agricultural machinery – leading to shorter design cycles, less prototyping and improved machine performance.
This webinar is offered in English, German, French, Spanish and Italian.
Designing agricultural machinery using EDEM granular material simulation
The recording is now available
Language: English
This webinar will introduce EDEM and explain how it can be used for the design, performance testing, and optimization of agricultural machinery such as combine harvesters, tillage tools, fertilizer equipment, and grain handling and transport systems.
- Challenges of designing agricultural equipment
- Introducing EDEM simulation technology
- EDEM applications examples: combine harvesters, tillage tools, fertilizer spreader, grain handling & transport systems, and more
- Live Q&A
Konstruktion landwirtschaftlicher Maschinen mittels Partikel-Simulation
Dienstag, 8. September | 15.00 Uhr CEST
Sprache: Deutsch
In diesem Webinar wird EDEM vorgestellt und erläutert, wie es für die Konstruktion, Leistungsprüfung und Optimierung landwirtschaftlicher Maschinen wie Mähdrescher, Bodenbearbeitungswerkzeuge, Düngemittel sowie Getreidehandhabungs- und -transportsysteme verwendet werden kann.
- Herausforderungen bei der Gestaltung landwirtschaftlicher Geräte
- Einführung in die EDEM-Simulationstechnologie
- Beispiele für EDEM-Anwendungen: Mähdrescher, Bodenbearbeitungswerkzeuge, Düngerstreuer, Getreidehandhabungs-, Transportsysteme und mehr
- Live-Fragen und Antworten
Diseño de maquinaria agrícola mediante simulación de material granular EDEM
14 de Septiembre | 17:00 CEST
Idioma: Español
Este seminario web descubrirás EDEM y cómo se puede utilizar para mejorar el diseño, pruebas de rendimiento y optimización de maquinaria agrícola como cosechadoras, herramientas de labranza, equipos de fertilizantes y sistemas de manipulación y transporte de grano.
- Desafíos en el diseño de equipos agrícolas
- Presentación de la tecnología de simulación EDEM
- Ejemplos de aplicación de EDEM: cosechadoras, herramientas de labranza, esparcidor de fertilizantes, sistemas de manipulación y transporte de granos, y más
- Preguntas y respuestas en directo
Concevoir des machines agricoles en utilisant la simulation de matériaux granulaires avec EDEM
Mardi 15 septembre | 14:00 CEST
Langue: Français
Ce webinaire présentera EDEM et comment l'utiliser pour la conception, les tests de performance, et l'optimisation des machines agricoles comme les moissonneuses-batteuses, les outils de travail du sol, les équipements de fertilisation et les systèmes de manutention et de transport des céréales.
Contenu du webinaire :
- Les challenges de la conception d'équipements agricoles
- Introduction à la technologie de simulation EDEM
- Cas d'application : moissonneuses-batteuses, outils de travail du sol, système de manutention et de transport des céréales, etc.
- Questions / Réponses
Progettazione di macchine agricole attraverso la simulazione di materiale granulare in EDEM
Lingua: italiano
Durante questo webinar presenteremo il software EDEM e spiegheremo nel dettaglio come utilizzarlo per la progettazione, per il test delle prestazioni e l’ottimizzazione di macchine agricole quali mietitrebbie, attrezzi per la lavorazione del terreno, attrezzature per fertilizzanti e sistemi di movimentazione e trasporto del grano.
Questi i principali contenuti che condivideremo con te:
- Le sfide nella progettazione di attrezzature agricole
- Introduzione alla tecnologia di simulazione EDEM ed esempi applicativi
- Sessione live Q&A
Each webinar will be recorded and made available to all registrants.
For more information about EDEM software visit www.altair.com/edem