7月21日 星期二 | 10:00 AM EDT (北京时间 22:00)

Featuring TracePro by Lambda Research Corporation
The use of LiDAR systems is becoming more popular in automotive applications. Optical analysis software such as TracePro allows engineers and designers to model these systems in a virtual environment and make wise choices before producing physical prototypes. Modeling these systems can be challenging in terms of setting up the source, choosing the appropriate properties, and working with small number of rays that return to the target. In this webinar we will look at modeling LiDAR systems in TracePro including setting up the model, defining the beam, and analyzing the results. We will also look at tools to improve the sampling efficiency of the model to get better results without the need for raytracing very large numbers of rays.
Presenter: Dave Jacobsen | Senior Application Engineer, Lambda Research Corporation
7月28日 星期二 | 10:00 AM EDT (北京时间 22:00)

Featuring FE Dummy Models by Humanetics
In order to continuously improve road user’s protection during a crash event, safety standards are regularly updated by introducing new crash test protocols and enhancing existing ones. This webinar will focus on the presentations of the test’s tools needed for the simulation of theses updated tests programs, with focus on THOR 50th EuroNCAP and SIDIIs blD.
Presenter: Frank Eric NJILIE ADAMOU, Ph. D | Director R&D Passive Safety, Altair Engineering
8月4日 星期二 | 10:00 AM EDT (北京时间22:00)

Featuring RAMDO by RAMDO Solutions, LLC
Vehicle designers face a challenge to design vehicle passenger restraint systems that account for variability in driver BMI, stature, age, and gender. One solution is to design an adaptive restraint system that accounts for these variations. However, it is difficult to assess how this combination of factors affect the injury risk level. We will present, how using the injury risk simulations, uncertainty quantification, and data science provides a method to segment the population and identify injury risk level within each segment. This provides designers with a powerful tool to create designs reducing injury risk for all passengers.
Presenter: Nicholas Gaul | Chief Technical Officer, RAMDO Solutions, LLC