Designing agricultural machinery using EDEM granular material simulation
Agricultural machinery such as tractors, combines and forage harvesters are all designed to work with a range of granular materials such as crops, seeds and soils. These materials can impact the performance of the machine and its durability. Typical issues include blockage of fibres in harvesting equipment, wear of tools, uneven distribution of seeds, and inefficient processes.
Altair EDEM software -powered by the Discrete Element Method (DEM) simulates and analyze the behavior of grains, seeds, crops and soils. It enables engineers to predict the behavior of materials and their impact on their machines as well as getting key insights into machine-soil and machine-crops interactions.
Using EDEM for the design, performance testing and optimization of agricultural equipment leads to shorter design cycles, less prototyping and improved machine performance.
Find out more with the resources below:
VIDEOS - applications examples
Combine harvester
Screw auger system and grain sieving
Single shaft rotovator
Tractor pulling plough
Potato harvester
Corn harvesting
Coffee Harvester (CNH Industrial)
Swather raking grass
Grain handling in bucket elevator
Flexible stalks and seed sieving
Applications of EDEM in the design of agriculture machinery

Download this ebook to learn about:
- Challenges of designing agricultural machinery
- What is EDEM simulation technology
- Benefits of using EDEM simulation as part of the design process
- Applications examples: combine harvesters, tillage tools, fertilizer equipment, grain handling & transport systems, and more.
Designing agricultural machinery using EDEM granular material simulation

This webinar will introduce EDEM granular material simulation and explain how it can be used for the design, performance testing, and optimization of agricultural machinery such as combine harvesters, tillage tools, fertilizer equipment and grain handling and transport systems.
This webinar will be presented in 5 different languages in August and September 2020. Click below to view the dates and register.