Break Down Programming Language Barriers
Create a more flexible, mix-and-match approach to programming
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In the race for competitive advantages, data science has moved center stage. For many enterprises, the ability to draw deep, personalized data insights is now an essential business asset.
This data science revolution has gone hand-in-hand with an equally dramatic explosion in open-source programming languages. But there’s a catch. While it may no longer be the preferred choice for coders who have grown up with an open source, the long-established, proprietary language of SAS remains a staple of the data science ecosystem.
How do businesses avoid wasting time rewriting SAS language applications and still leverage open-source?
In this guide, we solve this challenge with a new hybrid approach to programming using open-source and SAS language. Download today to learn how to overcome legacy challenges and embrace the future of programming that is built on agility, flexibility, and scalability.
Explore Altair's New Hybrid Approach
Rewrite the Rules of Rewriting SAS Language
A new breed of software is finally bridging the gap between the worlds of the SAS language and open-source languages. That means today, enterprises can realize the full benefits of open-source languages while still preserving their legacy investment in SAS language applications and systems.
The hybrid environment enables you to:
No Third-party License Required
Create, run, and maintain your SAS language programs without the added cost of third-party compilers.
Create a Single, Unified Environment
Embrace both the SAS language and open-source languages in which coders and non-coders can easily collaborate and add significant business value.
Drive Better Data Analytics Outcome
Create “open door” development environments that let you choose and use the language that best serves your objectives.
Everyone's Invited
The guide is designed for anyone looking to develop more dynamic, more agile analytics and governance strategies. And the arrival of new hybrid development workflows and software allows you to do so and more.